United Trust Bank Mortgages has introduced a new buy-to-let portal for brokers looking for solutions for their landlord clients.
The launch follows the specialist lender’s recent increase in its maximum residential loan size to £2m and maximum LTV to 95%.
UTB’s buy-to-let product transfers command a 0.4% net procuration fee and streamlined application process.
Brokers can log into the UTB Mortgages portal to complete the Product Transfer Enquiry Form, which the lender claims should take no more than two minutes.
UTB will then let the broker know the products available, then issue the illustration and offer within 24 hours.
Buster Tolfree (pictured), director of mortgages at United Trust Bank, said: “Our new buy-to-let portal for product transfers enables brokers to quickly and easily secure great deals for their landlord customers and is another great example of how we want to make it as easy as possible for brokers to write high quality business and deliver a brilliant service to their clients.”