General insurance provider Source Insurance has added Legal & General to its landlord property insurance platform.
The new product provides cover for most types of tenants including professional or working people, students, and people in receipt of DSS benefits. The product will also provide cover for unoccupied properties for up to 90 days.
The product provides a maximum rebuild sum insured of £800,000 on buildings, with contents cover on a bedroom rated basis up to five bedrooms.
The product comes with legal expenses built in as standard with optional rent guarantee and home emergency cover.
The addition brings the total number of let property products to six. The Source’s online household platform carries nineteen products.
Kevin Paterson  (pictured), the Source’s managing director, said: “For many years L&G have been a supportive partner for Source and as such we were keen to extend their reach as much as possible.
“The addition of L & G to our landlord property insurance panel further strengthens our proposition and underlines our commitment to offer the best range and quality of cover for the intermediary market.”