Simplify, the independent conveyancing group, is investing in people and career development to attract and retain top talent.
Since June 2024, Simplify has recruited 150 conveyancers, including 82 trainees to its programme, bucking the reported 15% sector-wide decline in conveyancer numbers since the pandemic.
“With shrinking numbers across the industry, we’re investing in the future of conveyancing,” said Simplify CEO, David Grossman (pictured).
“Our approach ensures that both new and experienced conveyancers have access to first-class training, career progression, and the support they need to thrive.
“We are also committed to offering a flexible approach and work from home opportunities that contribute to good work-life balance.”
Simplify’s Learning Hub, available 24/7, provides a comprehensive range of courses and qualifications geared towards structured career progression.
Simplify also places emphasis on capacity management, taking swift action to ensure conveyancers have balanced caseloads.