MT Finance has increased the maximum loan-to-value (LTV) to 80% on its buy-to-let small HMO offering, available for its five-year fixed Tier 1 product.
It is available for properties with up to six rooms with no complex structure.
The lender says this highlights its commitment to supporting landlords and property investors in the growing HMO market sector.
With a maximum loan amount of £2 million (subject to LTV limits), MT Finance says argues its product offers significant flexibility for investors looking to expand their portfolios or refinance existing properties.
Marylen Edwards (pictured), director of mortgages at MT Finance, said: “We’re seeing continued strong demand in the HMO sector as investors seek higher yields in the current market.
“By increasing our maximum LTV to 80% on our five-year fixed rate product, we’re providing investors with greater leverage opportunities while maintaining our commitment to responsible lending.”