The majority of landlords are thinking about taking advantage of the new energy efficiency measures available from October, according to the National Landlords Association’s (NLA) latest Landlord Panel.
63% of landlords say they are aware of the Green Deal and 56% of landlords are considering taking advantage of the energy initiative.
The Green Deal is the Government’s vehicle to make all rental properties more energy efficient. In fact, any rental properties found to have a poor Energy Performance Rating (F or G rated) after 2018 will no longer be fit to let under the new legislation.
Under the Green Deal, the cost of energy efficiency improvements, such as loft and wall insulation, will be paid through a loan attached to the property’s energy bills. However, due to the energy savings achieved by the improvements, the energy bill will never be higher than it would have been if the work had not been carried out.
“Whilst our research shows that many landlords are keen to take advantage of the Green Deal, a third of landlords are not yet aware of the initiative,” said David Salusbury, the NLA’s chairman.
“We encourage landlords to become familiar with the Green Deal as the private-rented sector has a key role to play in ensuring Britain meets its energy targets.
“Furthermore, it is imperative that landlords future-proof their properties and their investments. The Green Deal is their opportunity to improve the quality of their properties and demonstrate their ability to engage with government initiatives without the burden of further regulation. If landlords don’t act now, they may find their property cannot be legally let come 2018.”