Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) has provided funding to the tune of £6 million to support the expansion of a professional landlord’s HMO portfolio.
The property investment firm, which has a structured growth strategy, required a lender that could accommodate both its immediate investment needs and long-term expansion plans, with ambitions to secure up to £25 million in financing.
Having reached borrowing limits with other providers, the landlord sought a funding partner capable of structuring a solution suited to its complex portfolio and governance requirements. Bircroft Private Ltd acted as the broker on the deal, working with HTB to develop a funding arrangement that offered both flexibility and the potential for future growth.
A key challenge in the deal was the client’s shareholding structure, which required a legal framework that maintained decision-making control with the principal shareholder while meeting the lender’s security requirements. HTB collaborated with Arch Law to establish a structure that ensured shareholder approvals were in place while maintaining the business’s operational integrity.
To ensure a smooth approval process, the broker and client engaged early with HTB’s underwriting team, allowing for a detailed review of the business strategy and financial position.
Joseph Lethbridge (pictured), business development manager at HTB, said: “This wasn’t just about financing a deal – it was about structuring a solution that aligned with the client’s long-term ambitions. Early engagement allowed us to work through complexities upfront and put a facility in place that supports their continued portfolio growth.”
The two loans were structured with a 10-year term, with a tailored rate designed to support the client’s investment objectives. With funding now secured, further transactions totalling £3m are already in discussion.
Tom Robinson, director at Bircroft Private Ltd, added: “We worked closely with HTB to ensure the right funding structure was in place for our client. Their ability to take a strategic view and work through the complexities of the deal made a real difference. The process was efficient, and we look forward to working with them on further transactions.”