Connells Survey & Valuation Limited has agreed an exclusive deal to provide property surveys for borrowers helped under the Communities and Local Government Mortgage Rescue Fast Track Scheme.
The scheme aims to help several thousand households vulnerable to losing their homes through repossession over the next two eyars.
Mortgage Rescue operates by bringing together local authorities, Registered Social Landlords (RSL), lenders and debt advice agencies. There are two key elements to the scheme. Firstly, shared equity – where the RSL provides an equity loan, enabling householders’ mortgage payments to be reduced. Secondly, Government mortgage to rent – where the RSL purchases the property and the householder pays rent to the RSL at a level they can afford.
This new contract has been secured through Connells’ existing partnership with King Sturge, a provider of property services to the UK industrial, office, retail, leisure, healthcare and residential sectors.