A premier league footballer has been saved from bankruptcy proceedings by Bespoke Bridging Finance.
In the run up to Christmas, HMRC placed a bankruptcy petition notice on the unnamed footballer’s properties. He had one month to pay or be made bankrupt. His problem in raising the finance was that although his net equity in the properties was substantial the LTVs were between 76% and 85%. Unsecured creditors amounted to in excess of £750,000 and in addition he had a number of unsatisfied CCJs.

Repayment of the bridge was via a 50% sale of a piece of green belt land  upon which a planning application had been made for leisure uses. A potential joint venture partner had taken a positive outlook on the planning and agreed to purchase the land but could not complete for at least another two months.

Lee Selbo, managing director and head of the consultancy division of Bespoke Bridging Finance, said: “This was quite a desperate situation for the client. Bankruptcy would have made front page news. If his potential purchaser got wind of the fact that the client could be made bankrupt they would have delayed their purchase and many years work assembling the site and grounds for change of use would have come to nothing. With four young children, a wife, an ex-wife and other family members to support, the family Christmas was not going to be filled with jolly family times.

“However, within 24 hours BBF had devised a strategy and structure to save the day. The client and his solicitor acted in accordance with BBF’s instructions. The Revenue responded positively and as BBF could fund the loan themselves all deadlines could be met.”
Because of the structure BBF devised other funding opportunities were then available to the client.

Selbo added: “We may not be the biggest but we punch way above our weight and are amongst the best at what we do. Our consultancy division, Bespoke Business Finance and Consultancy, have come up trumps again.
“Being able to devise alternative strategies and structures not apparent to others is our speciality. BBF are able to not only quickly devise these strategies but have the funding to execute them. The majority of bridging companies are not in a position to sanction loans of this type and cannot usually get their heads around how the strategy and structure can be executed.
“We are confident of finding solutions to difficult funding problems and welcome enquiries from the introducer network.”