Managing expectations
The most diverse experiences were around underwriting
Service levels
Retention strategies
Feedback on annual statements
- 57% want to know what the policy covers
- 48% want to see the premium amount
- 46% want to know the policy end date
- 41% seek guidance on how to make a claim
- 40% want details on exclusions
- 40% want to know about additional benefits
“The data highlights areas where the industry can improve, particularly in meeting consumer expectations around policy issuance and claims processing”
“As we look ahead to the FCA’s upcoming Market Study on the Pure Protection Market, it’s important to recognise that whilst significant, it’s important not to lose sight of our ongoing mission—to ensure UK consumers receive appropriate protection advice every day. This year’s report, ‘Making Protection Personal,’ offers both valuable insights and a four-point action plan designed to help advisers better meet customers’ evolving needs.”

Vikki Jefferies, market development director at Legal & General Retail, added: “The findings from this year’s report clearly show that while we have made significant strides in engaging with clients and addressing their needs, there is still room for improvement. By focusing on transparency, ease of access, and personalised advice, we can better serve our customers and ensure they feel confident and secure in their protection choices.
“We need to remember protection products support customers at the most vulnerable times in their lives, so it’s crucial we treat them fairly and quickly when they need us.”
Carrie Johnson, protection director at Royal London said: “It’s important to hear from consumers on how we are doing, and we’re always keen to listen to this feedback and to continue to improve. While technology has undoubtedly enabled us to offer more sophisticated and personalised cover, along with a broader range of value-added services, it can also create complexity. We need to remember protection products support customers at the most vulnerable times in their lives, so it’s crucial we treat them fairly and quickly when they need us.”
John Scrivens, head of sales at Stonebridge, stated: “The generational divide presents in many, often surprising, ways across all aspects of everyday life. It is heartening, for once, to see it manifest so positively. The AMI Protection Viewpoint for 2024 shows again that more young people (65% Gen Z and 70% of Millennials) think it’s important to have income protection than older generations (48% of Gen X and 39% of Baby Boomers).
“When it comes to life insurance that jumps to 75% Gen Z and 76% of Millennials – compared with 62% of Gen X and 55% of Baby Boomers.
“This paints an encouraging picture for closing the protection gap in the future. The importance of empathetic, timely, productive conversations about protection cannot be overstated. Working in our sector, we see the fallout of an exemption in a ‘cheap’ self-serve policy not fully understood or the realisation of the need for protection only dawning after the worst has already happened. We don’t want that for anyone.
“We see the influence of ‘youth’ language on everyday vocabulary, wouldn’t it be great to see a transference of younger generations’ openness to accepting future potential vulnerability adopted across the generations that came before them?
“Until then, at Stonebridge we’ll continue to provide suitable training and support to enable our 1,200 advisers to have protection conversations with as many clients as possible, regardless of their age.”
The new AMI four-point Action Plan:Following this research and an additional community group study with 16 participants, AMI has devised the following four action points to help advisers and insurers build more understanding and empathy with clients and potential clients: 1 – Build in a human element upfront – take time to understand personal circumstances and situations before explaining products 2 – Make products easy and accessible – avoid jargon and find ways to make them easy to understand 3 – Allow clients to feel in control – give them time to think about them, research them and ask additional questions 4 – Focus on the positives – highlight how the products can provide help in the worst situations, share examples of this and reassure clients that they have real value. |