West One Loans buy-to-let division has begun to lend on Scottish properties.
Brokers with clients looking to purchase or remortgage a buy-to-let in Scotland can now access the West One Loans’ range of first charge buy-to-let products.
Until now, the lender’s buy-to-let range was only available to landlords buying or remortgaging buy-to-lets in England and Wales.
West One’s range caters for a wide range of amateur and professional landlords and is available exclusively through intermediaries. Its rates start from 2.59%.
Andrew Ferguson, managing director of buy-to-let at West One Loans, said: “Entering the Scottish market is an exciting milestone, and we believe Scotland’s dynamic housing sector, supported by nearly 238,000 buy-to-let landlords, presents significant opportunities for us as a lender.
“While competition is strong, we believe our market-leading products, flexible criteria and commitment to tailored underwriting will be warmly received by brokers and landlords across the country.”
Jez Quinn, head of sales – north (buy-to-let and bridging), added: “This is a huge step forward for us and we’re keen to make an instant impact on the Scottish market.
“The buy-to-let market is more complex than ever and intermediaries need a flexible, solution-focused lender they can trust – we’re here to be that lender for brokers.
“We’re taking this move very seriously, which is why we have a dedicated northern based field BDM, Rick Davey, plus office support to ensure West One provide Scottish brokers with expert support on criteria and case enquiries.”