West One Loans has launched a new range of two and five-year fixed rate products for landlords.
The limited-edition standard range starts at 4.39% for a two-year fix and 4.54% for a five-year fix.
Meanwhile, landlords buying specialist properties can choose from a two-year fix starting from 4.59% or a five-year fix priced from 4.74%.
The maximum loan size is £1.5m and the rental coverage is assessed against the product pay rate on the five-year range.
West One’s standard range includes portfolio landlords and its specialist range includes HMO/MUFB and property above commercial.
Andrew Ferguson, managing director of West One’s buy-to-let division, said: “These exciting new products are proof of our commitment to giving landlords access to the best possible deals.
“In this fast-paced market, we are continually reviewing our range and making adjustments to improve the products we offer while always maintaining our rigorous underwriting standards.
“Although the economic outlook has improved somewhat in recent months, we are not out of the woods yet.
“Landlords still face plenty of challenges and it’s important that lenders try to ease the pressure where they can, reducing rates when possible and finding solutions for borrowers who may be in need of greater support.”