Gerard Morgan Jackson, sales manager at United Trust Bank, has completed a 64-mile London to Brighton race in aid of breast cancer charity Breast Cancer Care.
The race is officially 60 miles long, however Jackson (pictured), who works in the bridging team, took a wrong turning on the way and ran an extra four miles as a result.
He also lost a shoe and helped to carry an elderly rambler who’d collapsed to the local train station.
However, he still completed the race (plus four miles) in 78th place from a field of 1500 entrants.
He said: “It’s fair to say that the race didn’t go exactly to plan. Although my preparation was probably less than text book I don’t think any training schedule could have prepared me for what happened during that race.
“However, I’m delighted to have completed it, I’ve raised money for a very worthwhile charity and the old rambler we found collapsed on the course made a full recovery so all in all, it was a pretty good day.”
the guy is a machine!