The Mortgage Alliance (TMA) has revamped its website to improve its online offering for directly authorised (DA) brokers.
The mortgage club is aiming to utilise the site – – to offer DA’s access to an array of intermediary solutions through an easy to navigate portal. The new website will provide a range of training material to help sell a broader base of products and services at a negotiated rate, exclusively for members.
Phil Whitehouse, head of TMA, said: “This is very much phase one in the re-vamping of our online presence and we will continue to look at ways in which we can add value to our members propositions. It’s fully apparent that the financial climate continues to throw many challenges at the DA market which is why we have taken steps to be even more proactive in terms of our support services. Technology has a major part to play in the modern financial services industry and by simplifying the access to our wide ranging proposition