General insurance provider The Source has enhanced its range of property insurance products for landlords with the launch of a comprehensive new offering – Sentinel Landlord.
The new Sentinel product provides buildings cover up to £2 million and contents cover up to £50,000.
Cover can be accepted on referral for properties that will be unoccupied for up to 60 days from inception, and properties whereby minimal works are taking place from inception.
Furthermore, blocks of flats can be covered if cover is requested for the whole building providing that more than half of the properties in the block are let out. Many other insurers require all flats in a block to be rented out.
In addition, some non-standard properties and flat roofed properties will be considered on referral together with certain listed buildings.
Mick Cairns, The Source Insurance director, said: “There are a lot of different options for landlords out in the marketplace but those with requirements that fall outside the norm can find it difficult to get the right level of cover. We’ve spent time talking to intermediaries with landlord clients and know that getting cover if the property is not going to be occupied straight away or if some maintenance work is taking place can be a real problem.
“The launch of our Sentinel product solves that problem and gives intermediaries a fresh new choice for their landlord clients.”
Brian Coulton, The Source’s national sales manager, added: “Many of our regular brokers will be familiar with our Sentinel household policy, a competitively priced quality product that has been occupying a leading panel position with us for a number of years and as such we are delighted that Sentinel have developed an equally compelling proposition for our landlord panel.”