New research from Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks has underlined that confidence is starting to return to the property market.
48% of those surveyed as part of the Housebuyers Research believe that the value of their home will increase over the next 12 months. This is a notable increase from just 25% six months ago and 18% in April 2012.
Andrew Pearce, retail director for Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks, said: “It is encouraging to see optimism returning to the property market with a significant increase in the number of people who believe the value of their property will increase.”
London continues to be the most optimistic region with 63% predicting an increase in house price. The Scots are the least optimistic – just 35% of those surveyed said they were expecting a price increase during the next year.
The most significant upsurge is in the East where 50% of homeowners now predict an increase in the value of their home. Only 14% predicted an increase in April 2013.
Men remain more confident than women when it comes to the value of their home. The latest research shows more than half of men (54%) believe their property will increase in value over the next 12 months compared to 42% of women.