Towergate have joined RSA and Legal and General as the latest underwriter on Paymentshield’s landlords insurance panel.
Paymentshield says it expects Towergate’s appointment to increase quotability of the landlords panel and expand the current footprint of its risk capability.
Lee Mooney, product, proposition and marketing director at Paymentshield, said: “This latest appointment highlights our commitment to strengthening our panel of insurers across both our Home and Landlords products. Advisers can now offer their Landlord clients a greater choice of insurers and greater value for money, helping them offer a more competitive proposition to protect their clients’ investment.”
Paymentshield has recently announced a fall in average premiums during the last year across both its home and landlords products.
Mooney added: “The improvements to our landlords proposition are great news for advisers looking to better meet the needs of clients with multiple properties. The landlords insurance market is estimated to be worth over £1 billion a year in gross premiums therefore if you haven’t tried getting a quote from Paymentshield recently it would be well worth taking a look at the product and premiums we can deliver.”