Buy-to-let mortgage lender Paragon Mortgages has warned landlords to ensure they are making the most of their allowable tax breaks.
Landlords can offset a wide array of costs incurred through letting property against their income, but many are unaware of the full range of costs they can claim, Paragon claims. The lender has teamed up with accountancy firm Perrys to produce the Buy-to-let Tax Guidefor the 2010/11 tax year.
The guide can be downloaded at <a href=""></a> or by visiting the Literature Library at the <a href=""></a> website.
The guide helps landlords from purchase through to sale and provides valuable information on Income Tax, Annual Income Tax Returns, Limited Companies and Capital Gains Tax, in addition to top tax tips and frequently asked questions.
Paragon Mortgages’ managing director John Heron , said: “Good tax planning is key