Masthaven Secured Loans has moved into new premises.
The secured loan arm of Masthaven Group Ltd has taken new offices in Regent Street, close to the group’s Hanover Square base.
Having completed its soft launch phase, Masthaven Secured Loans is now looking to substantially increase its distribution via its packager partners.
“These are very exciting times for Masthaven Secured Loans,” said Stuart Aitken, Masthaven’s chief operating officer.
“With operating systems, expertise and packager relationships in place we are now determined to quickly build a strong presence in the market and achieve the challenging goals that we have set ourselves.”
As a packager with nearly 30 years in the market, we're delighted to welcome Masthaven to the secured loans market. There is stagnation in a lot of markets, but secured loans are booming. Our lender panel includes Masthaven Secured Loans which just expands the already great range of loans we can arrange for your clients.