The Source has added Landlord’s Choice to its buy-to-let insurance panel.
It said the move was part of an ongoing strategy to expand the range of providers in both the landlords property insurance market and household market.
Landlord’s Choice, the new product which is underwritten by e-Underwriting, provides buildings cover of up to £650,000 and “generous” contents limits. Although aimed principally at professional tenants, it will cover all tenant types.
The scheme has a number of extensions where tenants are working people, including malicious damage, and theft by tenants with a standard excess of only £100.
Mick Cairns, insurance director, said: “e-Underwriting bring some additional depth of cover to our panel offering for landlords with some quality features in an increasingly competitive market.”
Rob Rushton, head of sales and marketing, added: “This is the first of a number of additional providers we are looking to bring onto our landlords property insurance panel this year. We want to give our brokers as much choice and range as we do on our household panel and the addition of e-Underwriting takes us a step closer.
“It forms part of our ongoing commitment to offer our brokers a more choice to meet their customers‘ needs.”
The Source plans to continue to extend its’ product offering into the lettings sector during the rest of 2013.