ModaMortgages has reduced rates by up to 10 basis points (bps) across its buy-to-let mortgage range.
The cut means the recently launched lender’s products now feature two-year fixed rates starting from 3.49%, with five-year fixed rates starting from 4.94%.
Mortgages are available to a variety of landlords, including individuals, limited companies, those with small or large portfolios, first-time buyers and first-time landlords.
Borrowers can choose from a number of fee options, with LTVs up to 75%.
To celebrate its recent launch, the lender is also offering brokers the chance to win £250 of John Lewis vouchers. Five brokers who register before Friday 28 February 2025 will each receive a voucher.
Darrell Walker, ModaMortgages’ director of sales and distribution, said: “These reduced rates give brokers even more choice and, when combined with our registration prize draw, offer them perfect reason to give us a try and discover why we’re the home of smarter, faster and simpler buy-to-let borrowing.”