Childhood bereavement charity Winston’s Wish has renewing its partnership for another year with mortgage and insurance broker London and Country.
During 2015 the company raised £12,000 through donations affiliated to policy sales and staff fundraising. It also pledged to donate £1 for each case where customers arranged one or more life, critical illness or income protection policy for them and their family.
The money raised so far is already helping the thousands of young people who turn to Winston’s Wish following the death of a parent or sibling. Each year, Winston’s Wish reaches more than 40,000 bereaved children and young people through an array of dedicated services. These specialist support programmes include support following death as a result of accident, illness, homicide, suicide and military service.
David Hollingworth of London and Country said: “We have been proud to partner Winston’s Wish over the last 12 months and delighted to announce a renewal of that partnership for another year. Advising customers on life insurance and protection policies is a constant reminder of the tragic circumstances that make the work of Winston’s Wish so important and necessary.
“We hope that our support for such a worthy and relevant cause in 2016 will only help build on the momentum that the business, and most importantly our staff, have already generated over the last year.”
Fergus Crowe, CEO of Winston’s Wish, added: “We are really proud to be able to continue our partnership with London and Country. The fact they have decided to support us again in 2016 is great news for Winston’s Wish and the thousands of children and young people we support.”
Well done London And Country. Again showing their true values as a business