Lendlord, the platform for property investors and landlords, has launched a suite of new and improved features to help property investors to grow their portfolios and maximise their returns.
The new features include property sourcing, providing access to tens of thousands of live and updated listings from agents and auction houses.
It also offers an enhanced deal analyser, enabling investors to better understand the financial returns on rental or flip projects.
The finance hub presents the finance choices available to users, enabling them to understand their options to fund a purchase.
In addition, the platform provides relevant up-to-date market information on the property and the postcode to support long term assumptions.
Meanwhile, the property watchlist includes alerts on price changes.
Aviram Shahar (pictured), co-founder and CEO at Lendlord, said: “This suite of new and enhanced features provides property investors with even more functionality to better manage their portfolios and maximise their returns through the Lendlord platform.
“Lendlord provides landlords with an enhanced digital platform to manage their portfolio and track their investments’ performance, making it easy to instantly review performance insights and make decisions to help maximise returns.
“Demand for rental accommodation continues to grow and a stagnant property market presents opportunities for landlords to build their portfolio. This set of features will help them to make the right decisions and boost their investment.”