LendInvest Mortgages has launched its lowest buy-to-let mortgage rates of the year.
Starting from 3.69%, these new rates come with an additional discount of up to 10 basis points across the buy-to-let range.
These latest products are tailored to meet the needs of landlords, whether they are first-time landlords or experienced portfolio managers.
LendInvest’s buy-to-let mortgages now offer up to 80% LTV, and are available to individuals, limited companies or those looking to incorporate.
The product range also supports more complex properties, including HMOs of up to 15 bedrooms and MUFBs with up to 10 units.
Sophie Mitchell-Charman (pictured), commercial director at LendInvest, said: “We are thrilled to introduce our lowest buy-to-let rates of the year, which reflect our commitment to supporting landlords with the most competitive products available in the market. Our new mortgage rates are designed to provide immediate financial benefits to landlords, helping them manage their portfolios more effectively.
“Whether they are first-time landlords or managing larger, more complex portfolios, our tailored products offer flexibility and support to meet their unique needs.”