Leadbay has launched a professional lead category for mortgage and life leads.
Where previously all leads have focused on the type of product that a client wants or needs, this new lead type looks at the individual who is asking for the advice.
Leadbay believes that these leads will be of interest to mortgage brokers and IFAs who are looking to deal with the client as a whole and their potential need for a range of financial solutions rather than just a specific, single product need.
Professional leads will find out whether the consumer is from a specific profession including whether the person is a solicitor, a lawyer, accountant or doctor.
If the person is asking for mortgage advice, to qualify as a professional lead the mortgage will also need to be over £100,000 and will cover all prime mortgages.
If the consumer is looking for advice on life assurance, only people looking for more than £100,000 sum assured will be included in this category.
Jonathan Barrett, head of sales at Leadbay said: “We have had a growing number of requests from mortgage brokers and IFAs to speak to potential new clients who fit a specific profile rather than just have an individual product need. Professional leads will help IFAs target new clients by looking beyond their immediate need and will help IFAs to find people who could represent valued long term clients.