Landlords are being warned that they have just a matter of weeks to protect tenancy deposits, or face thousands in fines, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) has warned.
A series of court rulings brought urgent need to clarify the law when consternation arose over which deposits must be protected and in what circumstances prescribed information documents must be given to tenants. If landlords do not give tenants full written information about their protection they still face the fine, even if the deposit is protected.
Deposits must now be protected by 23 June if received before 6 April 2007 and if the tenancy renewed on a periodic basis after that date.
If a tenancy renewed on a periodic basis before 6 April 2007 deposit protection is not compulsory. However the landlord will still be prevented from regaining possession using the standard section 21 notice unless they protect or return the money.
Harriott also said the Act has highlighted that many landlords have failed to protect deposits even under the existing laws.
He said: “We have seen a surge in landlords contacting us in recent weeks. Many have only just become aware that they should have already protected deposits; a stark reminder that thousands of landlords have been falling foul of deposit protection law, often unknowingly.”