Keystone Property Finance has reduced rates by up to 0.25 percentage points and has launched a new larger loan cashback offer.
The specialist buy-to-let lender’s core range now starts at 3.09%.
Keystone’s new green mortgage range – which launched in March and offers discounted rates to landlords with properties that have an EPC rating of C and above – now starts at 2.99%.
Meanwhile, the lender has launched a new cashback offer on loan above £200k.
Upon completion, landlords will receive £750 cashback on loans between £200,000 and £500,000 and £1,000 cashback on loans between £500,001 and £1m.
Elise Coole, managing director of Keystone Property Finance, said: “We are cutting our rates and launching our cashback offer, not only to ensure our range is highly competitive but also to give something back to landlords after what has been a difficult year. It’s just a small gesture, of course, but we hope one that will make a difference to landlords who borrow from us.
“Our value proposition is not simply about product pricing and incentives; we feel it is even more important to ensure we listen to our brokers and provide the top-class service and customer journey that they have come to expect. This is something that we will continue to do to ensure we can support brokers and their landlord clients complex buy-to-let needs.”