Go Commercial Finance has added Atom Bank to its lender panel.
The move provides clients immediate access to buy-to-let products catering for both commercial, residential portfolio and non-portfolio landlords.
The Atom portfolio range of products is tailored to landlords with large and more complex property portfolios where mortgage applications require expert underwriting and support.
This includes landlords with four or more mortgaged properties and those operating as limited companies and limited liability partnerships. More complex propositions are also included, from HMOs to multi-unit blocks.
David Vieira (pictured), managing director at Go Commercial Finance, said: “Go Commercial Finance lender panel shows no sign of slowing down in 2018, with yet another fantastic addition.
“Atom is a well-respected brand within the buy-to-let market we are delighted to be able to make them our latest addition to our panel.
“This re-affirms our commitment to continuously expanding the products available to our clients. We expect the addition to be very popular with our clients and look forward to working with them.”
Another winning combination. Thank you GoCommercial for your continued support.
D.Hackett – Aston Martin Lagonda