Foundation Home Loans (FHL) says it is delighted with the response from landlords and their advisers to their guides for setting up a limited company.
The guides which are freely available on the firm’s website, show how a limited company can be set up, what is required to run it and also how to close it down.
Quarterly data from one of the UK’s leading specialist brokers, Mortgages for Business, has seen that limited company vehicles for buy-to-let made up 63% of purchases and reflects the jump in interest from landlords since the tax changes announcement from the Treasury in July 2015.
Paul Brett, business development director at FHL, said the guides are there to show advisers and landlords that a limited company can be set up in 15 minutes or less and help to offset the tax relief changes announced by the Treasury and due to take effect in 2017.
He said: “Clearly, our guides have had a very enthusiastic reception. They were developed to help advisers and landlords understand that the limited company route is not difficult.
“Since the Treasury’s announcement of tax relief changes, we have worked tirelessly to ensure that introducers, their clients and the wider market can be confident and benefit from using a limited company as a positive and legitimate means of managing their properties in the most tax efficient way.”