The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has appointed four directors to lead key areas of its Supervision division.
The appointments include a director of mortgages & consumer lending.
The regulator said the appointments complete the senior structure in Supervision, and are the final step in implementing a new structure for the division. This structure, which was created in April 2013, aligns the FCA’s forward-looking and pro-active approach to firm supervision with the markets the FCA oversee and the products consumers buy.
The appointments are:
- Karina McTeague as director of retail banking
- Linda Woodall as director of mortgages & consumer lending
- Nick Poyntz-Wright as director of long-term savings & pensions
- William Amos as director of wholesale banking & investment management
Poyntz-Wright, Amos and Woodall have been acting directors in their roles since April 2013 and their permanent roles take immediate effect. Karina McTeague will join the FCA from Lloyds Banking Group in November 2013. All four of the new directors will report to Clive Adamson, who remains director of Supervision at the FCA.
Adamson said: “I am delighted to have appointed Karina, Nick, Will and Linda to the Supervision division. They bring a wealth of industry and regulatory experience and will strengthen the leadership of the organisation. These appointments also provide more management depth to help us take forward the FCA’s agenda in the diverse sectors that they will lead.”
The FCA’s Supervision division has four sub-divisions and three main specialist departments. The sub-divisions are: retail banking, wholesale banking & investment management, mortgages & consumer lending, and long-term savings & pensions. The specialist departments are: general insurance & protection led by Simon Green, event supervision led by Susan de Mont, and prudential supervision & specialists led by Gerald Sampson.