New year, new you? If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, you’ve probably seen the usual January buzz: Detox your way to health! Juice your way skinny! Cleanse your sins away! No, No, and No.
Look, I get it. After a month of mince pies, mulled wine, and chocolate for breakfast (we’ve all been there), the idea of a fresh start is tempting. But here’s the thing: your body doesn’t need a “detox.”
Yes, I said it. Those fancy juice cleanses, and overpriced detox kits are not needed. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good green smoothie, but if you think blending spinach and kale for a week will undo a month of indulgence, let me stop you right there.

Here’s the deal. Your body is already a detoxing machine. Your liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and gut work tirelessly to keep things ticking over, even when you’ve had one too many cocktails or polished off the cheese board. They don’t need you to go on a liquid diet to “cleanse” them. They just need a little support.
Yes, indulgence takes a toll, and if you make a habit of it, your body might start to show signs it’s struggling—low energy, poor digestion, dull skin, you name it. But that doesn’t mean you need to swing to the opposite extreme and start living on cold pressed juices and cucumber water. That on/off approach, it’s as stressful for your body as a bad Netflix sequel!
So, what’s the alternative? It’s not flashy, and it doesn’t come in a pretty Instagram-worthy package, but it works.
Adopt a moderate, balanced lifestyle. Yes, really.
Here’s what that looks like:
1. Eat the rainbow
Think colourful fruits and veggies—reds, oranges, greens, purples. Variety is key here, so mix it up. A plate full of colour means you’re getting loads of different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help your body thrive.
2. Support your gut
Your gut is the star of the show when it comes to feeling good. Give it some TLC with fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, and yogurt. Soups and stews are also amazing—they’re warm, easy to digest, packed with goodness and easy to make.
3. Stay hydrated
Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. Water is the unsung hero of health. Add in some herbal teas for variety, and you’re golden.
4. Move your body
Notice I didn’t say hit the gym for three hours a day before work. Just move—walk, stretch, dance in your kitchen to your favourite playlist or play in the garden with your children. Movement helps your body function at its best and clears your mind too.
5. Take time to relax
Step away from the screens, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Stress is one of the biggest saboteurs of health, so anything you can do to bring it down a notch is worth it.
6. Ditch the guilt
Enjoyed every last bite of that Christmas pudding? Good. Life’s too short to regret food. Balance is about the bigger picture, not beating yourself up over a couple of weeks of indulgence.
Honestly, this is the stuff that works. No crazy faddy diets, no starving yourself, and definitely not spending £300 on a juice cleanse.
So, let’s leave the January detox craze in the past where it belongs, shall we? Your body deserves better than a month of misery followed by inevitable failure. Instead, how about giving it the support it needs to do what it’s already designed to do?
If you’re nodding along but feeling a bit stuck on where to start, drop me a message. I’m here to help you figure it out and no celery juice required.
Cheers to a happy, healthy, and balanced new year ahead!
Don’t forget, if you have specific topics, you’d like me to cover, then drop me a note at—I’d love to hear from you!