The answer is right in front of your eyes, says Dave Pinnington, business development director at V Loans
Have you ever lost your car keys just before you go out only to find them exactly where they were supposed to be in the first place? Exasperated friends go on about the obvious being right in front of you, but that is what seems to be happening with brokers who are so close to what is going they actually miss a valuable resource staring them in the face.
With the remortgage market effectively shut for business and yet more and more clients wanting to capital raise or consolidate, mortgage brokers have found it difficult to satisfy the needs of many clients. At V Loans we actively market our services to brokers and when I ask them why they have not considered secured loans, the answers vary between “I thought the secured loan market was closed”” “”but the rates are up to 45%”” “”terrible redemption penalties or secured loans are not compliant””. If I had a penny for each time someone had come up with one of those reasons