The subject of the next free webinar organised by CHL Mortgages for Intermediaries will be the allowable expenses limited company landlords can claim.
Registration for the ‘Demystifying Tax: What Landlords Can Offset When Holding BTL Property in a Limited Company’ webinar, which will be held on Thursday 23 January between 10am and 11am, is now open.
Hosted by Roger Morris the session will feature clear and concise insights from tax expert John McCaffery, from Alexander & Co. Chartered Accountants, and Simon Read, director of strategic development at CHL Mortgages for Intermediaries.
The webinar will focus on a number of key areas, including:
- The finance costs that can be offset, including mortgage interest payments, arrangement fees, broker fees, legal fees and valuation fees.
- Other allowable costs in a limited company, including professional fees, property management costs, repairs and maintenance.
- The advantages of holding buy-to-let properties in a limited company structure, including the ability to claim mortgage interest as an expense, retention of profits and potentially lower corporate tax rates.
Morris (pictured), group distribution director at Chetwood Bank, CHL’s parent, said: “Taxation can often feel like a maze, especially when it comes to knowing what landlords can claim as allowable expenses for rental properties held in a limited company.
“This session, the latest in our series of educational webinars, is designed for landlords, advisers or anyone exploring the benefits of using a limited company to manage their property portfolio.
“Brokers logging on to the session will learn how landlords can reduce their tax liability, find out about allowable expenses and finance costs, and learn more about how landlords can make informed decisions about managing their buy-to-let investments.”