Butterfield Mortgages has promoted Wendy Scott to senior business development manager and Radhika Madar to senior relationship manager.
Scott has worked in the mortgage industry for over 20 years and has been a business development manager at Butterfield since 2016. Previously she has held positions as an underwriter and mortgage and protection adviser for Nationwide Building Society, Lloyds Banking Group and Metro Bank. She is focused on providing specialist assistance to HNW clients, and growing the UK loan book, with a focus on the intermediary network.
Madar has more than 18 years of experience in the mortgage industry and has spent more than 10 years advising high-net-worth private clients on property investments in UK real estate. She now takes responsibility for mortgage loan renewals, credit reviews, loan book operations and direct business referrals, including internal referrals from across Butterfield’s banking, investment and trust operations in other jurisdictions.
Butterfield Mortgages provides high-net-worth individuals with residential mortgages against prime properties in London and the South of England.
Alpa Bhakta, CEO of Butterfield Mortgages, said: “Both Wendy and Radhika have extensive experience within the UK mortgage industry and have proven their abilities in providing tailored solutions and financing requirements to meet the needs of our individual clients.
“I have every confidence they will continue to play a key role in further developing our relationships with clients and intermediaries alike.”