Specialist buy-to-let lender Axis Bank (UK) has appointed TWM Solicitors to undertake separate representation and specialist case work.
Axis launched in the second quarter of 2015 and lends to professional and established landlords – both individual and corporate – within London and the South East.
Julian Sampson, head of consumer lending at TWM Solicitors, said: “The Axis relationship has already been a success and the quality of borrower has underpinned our ability to assist Axis, its borrowers and distributors to conclude cases efficiently.
“Lending to company borrowers is an area which brings its own challenges in the due diligence required, but we have always felt our technical experience in specialised lending ensures we can advise fully and progress properly. Axis is a serious and committed lender and our role on a separate representation basis requires us to advise the bank on general matters as well as oversee borrower solicitors.
“This is a genuinely exciting time to be working with lenders, new launches bring their own challenges and our role is to give full advice to the business, not just transactional.”
Andrew Ferguson, head of mortgages at Axis, added: “TWM Solicitors is well respected within the industry and I am delighted to have the support and expertise of Julian and the team to help us develop our buy-to-let offering.
“The ability to work closely with solicitors with a strong awareness of the buy-to-let market and the key legal issues involved, is a source of comfort to the bank.”