Aspen Bridging has provided a borrower with a £1,130,000 development exit loan in just 14 days to allow much-needed time to resolve outstanding issues.
The recently modernised and extended five-bedroom, four-bathroom detached property on a 0.5 acre plot in Esher, Surrey still had some pre-commencement conditions outstanding relating to the original planning permission, and the applicant was submitting a new application to have these resolved.
Aspen’s in-house planning consultant worked closely with the developer to deep-dive into the matters raised to be confident that the application would resolve the problems and so then released the funds required to support the project.
The deal was completed at 75% LTV on Aspen’s Flat Rate at 0.89% over 12 months. The new planning application has subsequently been approved and the borrower has a sale going through on the unit.
Ian Miller-Hawes, sales director at Aspen Bridging, said: “This is a prime example of how we are willing to work closely with proven developers, understand their projects and any outstanding issues, then work hard to resolve these and deliver the best financial solution. We welcome all complex cases.”